
Wednesday 10 February 2016

Moving Image - El342

Welcome to my blog for the Moving Image (module EL342) project!

I shall document the process behind the creation of my production team's and my short film, the production of the short film and finally the outcome of the film and the response afterwards. This shall be split into 3 different stages:

  • Pre Production

  • Production

  • Post-Production

Each blog post will contain each heading and these heading correspond to the stage of production we are currently in and what is happening in it.

About me

Name:      Chi-Yin Wong

About:       I am a first year undergraduate student at the University of Kent studying Digital Arts with a Year in Industry (BA).

Role in pre-production:

Role in production:       Acting

Role in Post-Production:       Sound editing and Music scoring.

I hope you enjoy my blog and witness the challenges I may encounter and the triumphs my team and I have achieved.

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