
Friday, 8 April 2016

Production: Stage 2 -- Filming Day 3

On the third day of filming we decided to film the beginning office scene when Frank is fired by his boss Lucas.

We used the room that was booked out by Brian when location scouting, It was a convenient location due to being in Jennison meaning we had less of a distance to carry equipment.

We manage to film this scene quite quickly as we knew what we were doing and learnt from any previous mistakes from last shoots.

Although there was some tension and debate about certain shots, we manage to get initial shooting done in the morning and pick ups in the afternoon.

After two previous shots of acting experience I found this scene easier to do and felt more relaxed and comfortable as the character of Frank. When I enacted the frustration in this scene, I truly felt the anger that Frank would feel and I wanted to convey this emotion as realistically as I could to the audience.

The director worked well on giving me acting directions.

Production: Stage 2 -- Filming Day 2

During the second day of filming we filmed again in Lawrence's flat this time filming "Frank's bedroom".

We found that the scenes we did took longer than the previous shoot due to more technical camera angles we used and the large amount of shots.

This scene required a large use of my facial expressions as there were a lot more close ups of my face. This was a good way for me to learn how to convey emotion to the audience and develop confidence in my acting skills.

We used more shots than required which gave the editor more of an option to choose from when editing the film.

Production: Stage 2 -- Filming Day 1

The first day of filming was done inside Lawrence's flat.

We used this location as the lounge scene for Frank's house.

The scenes only required me as the actor and as it was our first scene we've filmed it took some time to settle in and set up equipment.

The director, Shiv and I talked through what he wanted me to do within the scenes. As it was my first time for this film production it took a few goes so we had to do a few retakes. Although this sadly affected our time management and redoing too many scenes meant we did not have time to do any others we planned in the day.

We also had some issues with sound such as the mic attached to my collar, which was incredibly sensitive and would pick up a lot of loud rustle and static.

Seminar Short Film Project

Short film seminar session: 'The Phone'

In one of the seminars we were set to produce a short film which worked on continuity and had a simple understandable story.

They assigned us different locations in the EDA department to begin filming.

We shot the whole movie within the 2 hour session.

When shown to the tutor, several issues were identified:

  • There was too much of a slow pan across an empty room at the beginning of the film.
  • Every cut was a dissolve.
  • We were missing several close ups such as when I was looking at the phone on the desk.
  • Missing key continuity shots.
  • No ending to the film.

We decided to do the pick ups required for the film and added more shots to flesh out the storyline and ensure continuity was prevalent in the film.

The finished film is show below:

Actors: Chi-Yin Wong (Me)
             Liam De Costa

Sound:  Brian Wong

Cameraman: Chris Robbins

Editor/Director: Lawrence Thomas James Maskell